You can easily know the address from our website and get access to the specific destination by navigation. The path to Labelong Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd factory will be shown very clearly on the electric screen. If your plan is to visit our factory, you can get in touch with our staff beforehand. They'd love to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a trip on us and have a deeper knowledge of our specialist employee and exquisite well water treatment systems , etc.
Being a reliable manufacturer of plastic wrapping machine, Labelong Packaging Machinery is famous for designing and manufacturing high-quality products with a wealth of experience. We will show you the automatic blowing machine series that is most popular with customers. Every Labelong automatic bottle labeler is professionally designed by our experienced design team. Its fasteners are less prone to have problems in lubrication. This product is regarded as the remarkable one in the industry. It ensures a completely enclosed water bottling process.
We further fulfill our global mission and commit to sustainability and sustainable practices. We implement green production, energy efficiency, emissions reduction, and environmental management to achieve sustainable operations. Check it!