The treatment of water includes the removal of contaminants present in the original or partially treated water.Let\'s take a look at some of the methods used to clean water.Water obtained from natural sources such as streams, rivers and lakes is not suitable for specific purposes.The main reasons for water pollution are microorganisms, dissolved chemicals and other particulate matter, which are naturally produced or produced by humans.made sources.Therefore, it is necessary to treat water before it is used for drinking, irrigation or other purposes.The goal of all water treatment procedures is to remove contaminants or at least reduce the presence of contaminants in raw water.Common methods of water purification are precipitation or precipitation, boiling, chemical disinfection, filtration, etc.In this technique, the water to be purified passes at low-pressure lamp.When water passes through the UV Purifier, biological contaminants are exposed to UV light.This destroys the genetic components of microorganisms and thus kills them.It is ineffective in removing dissolved chemicals and other particulate matter.Ozone is a colorless and unstable gas, which is effective in killing biological pollutants compared with chemical disinfection methods such as chlorine disinfection.In addition to this, it reduces odor problems and concentrations of iron, sulfur, manganese and other dissolved chemicals.In this process, the odor oxidation system is used to produce ozone gas and then dissolved in water for purification.The disadvantage of this technology is mild cancerHigh cost of products and operations.Film technology is indeed an innovative approach in which semi-permeable membranes are used to remove impurities in water.There are two kinds of membrane water treatment methods, namely, pressure-driven (e.g.Electric drive.pressure-, Current is used to allow the movement of water through the membrane.While this procedure removes both organic and biological contaminants, maintenance costs are high.Reverse Osmosis (RO) is one of the most effective methods.To remove chemical toxins, organic contaminants, pesticides and microorganisms, it is usually used to treat domestic water.In reverse osmosis, raw water is forced (under pressure) by a dense membrane filter that prevents impurities from passing through ).The advantage of reverse osmosis is the effective removal of microorganisms and toxins without changing the taste and smell of water.However, a major drawback is the lack of useful minerals for purified water obtained after reverse osmosis.After a long period of use, the membrane may be blocked, so it needs to be replaced regularly.Not all of the above methods apply to the purification of drinking water.The effectiveness of the treatment method depends on the type of pollutant and/or water quality.To effectively remove contaminants or contaminants, a combination of multiple methods can be used at one time.This is for reference only and does not attempt to replace the advice provided by experts on this subject.
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